**Buy a Generator, any generator will do, * a bottle of Light Rum & Fresh Limes & mint *Wine coolers *cat food *dog food *parrot food *toilet paper* South Beach Diet Bars & dinners * the latest DVDs. When your husband comes home with twenty bags of chips and bagels do not let him enter until he eats them all. Make sure you stock up on valium for the dog unless he prefers the rum. Throw out the cans of tuna, no one will eat it , use the five hundred candles & batteries still sitting from last year along with the tons of bottled water never touched.
Then, this is the most important survival tip, make pitcher after pitcher of fresh Mojitos, the Cuban Mojito is the best, freezing them into as many ice cubes as the freezer can hold...you get the idea. Usual dose is to melt two in your mouth as needed.
You forgot the beer.
What I can't stand are the news people go on and on about storms that never get here. It's like no one talk about anything else...
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